
The benchmark after making Formula 1 style surfboards for 25 years is all about getting the balance of weight and durability into a board that will perform better than ever. We’re using all of that documented data on what is the optimal weight for each number of litres, for each surfer, and the type of surfing that they do. All of that has gone into making sure these CarboTune boards come out at those ideal specs. It’s a finely tuned balance for weight and durability to equal the performance we want. What the construction comes back to is a relatively simple formula: Weight & Durability = Performance. That’s why it’s taken 6 years – these elements have finally come together with the ideal balance for any surfboard made in CarboTune to both perform and last.

ero Gravity is the next in line of our favourite fusions ever. Ridden the same dimensions as your Monsta Box, with the same magic rocker, this will be your all-rounder even more geared to high performance surfing than the updated Xero, which in comparison has the slightly flatter Blak Box rocker and a fuller outline. Xero Gravity also features a similar foil to the previous Xero, with foam hidden in the deck, but a slightly pulled down rail that’s fine tuned for manoeuvrability & quick response.

We’ve streamlined the range while keeping all the nuance and specialised qualities you want to have a board model for every type of wave. Want a super groveller? That’s the Sub Xero. A more performance-oriented option to handle flatter conditions? That’s the new Xero, now even closer to your original Blak Box. And for a performance all-rounder – that’s right here, the Xero Gravity.

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